Our rapprochement starts here – HOLI

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Our rapprochement starts here

Our rapprochement starts here

Right away, the most visible change in human behavior during the pandemic period has been the dispersion between interpersonal relationships.

We, as a company, had to move away from the moments that brought us closer, and that's why we bring you new content weekly, in order to recreate and strengthen our bonds.

To debut, our first content brings a little of our history, and the steps we took to get here!

The Holi essence came from a women's tailoring brand from São Paulo called Lita Mortari, highly regarded in the luxury market. Its highlight was the great care taken in the manufacture of the pieces, from the cut, fit and finishing. The insight came from some of Lita's customers who were in the healthcare field, and who missed a well-made coat that could be worn in conjunction with the amazing clothes that the brand had.

Right at the beginning of Holi, some interesting partnerships emerged. In 2015 we launched a line with dentist Rafael Puglisi and then participated in our first CIOSP with Curaprox. At that moment we brought the colors of brushes to our lab coats, and along with that, a new phase began, full of new values ​​and breaking stereotypes, bringing fashion and color to offices.

The origin of the name Holi Coats was thought of and inspired by the Indian festival of colors (Holi), together with Coats, giving an unusual meaning to our coats, which are thought of and treated as clothes.

Holi today is a company run by women, who shape our values. We (Bianca and Fernanda) are very aligned with our actions and thoughts, always trying to lead the company the way we lead our own lives.

Truth and concern are paramount, thus bringing the meaning of our product to our customers’ wardrobes.

Dive deeper at: https://www.instagram.com/holi_coats/